hanaban's Diaryland Diary


for jeff

today, as i was carrying in a ton (seriously, it was heavy) of groceries from my car, my home phone beeped and my cell phone rang. i picked up the cell phone and it was this guy from my old school who sporadically hits on me and i dreaded the words that i thought would come out of his mouth. no, it wasn't that. he called to tell me that our good friend one of those you only come across and have a handful of, he'd been shot and killed. if you've been paying attention to the news, he's the one who was shot in the parking lot of northcrest elementary school.

you don't ever think about growing up and hearing about your good friend who is nicer than nicer and kinder than kind and all of the things in a good guy a mom would want her daughter to bring home, you don't think that you'll hear he's been shot and left to die, slumped over the steering wheel of his car and always made you think of him. it's a yellow cavalier and i always check them when i'm driving to see if it's him. he was just a really nice, harmless guy. i'm so sad. and his parents, they had only him, so i can't even begin to imagine how they are feeling.

4:51 pm - February 22, 2006


welcome to december

last.fm reminds me of the many hours I would sit around and daydream while listening to Bright Eyes. I just downloaded the player and it's pretty cool, it plays songs of similar artists.
This is finals week for me, and I only have a disseration with three sides of exams to go. I've started making Joe's socks as one of his Christmas gifts, and I hope that I'll be able to get that done along with the other projects I have in mind.
Sometimes I feel like I'm always having the life drained out of me, and sometimes life is wonderful.
We just got DirecTV with DVR and I have a lot of recorded progams I need to watch once school is over.
I want to buy Ira elf ears for his pictures with Hanna and Santa this Christmas.
I love my Crock Pot.
I need to be doing many other things right now. How long ago did I stop caring?

3:37 pm - December 13, 2005


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