hanaban's Diaryland Diary


the finish line...

I am not so furious anymore, but still very peeved. I will not delete my informal letter and I hope one of the TruGreen ChemLawn people stumble upon this little place to read it sometime. I was set to send my complaint, but then I thought to try and calm down.

On another note, I am going to get my two main papers done later today and then get ready for my two finals tomorrow. I can't believe I have a final on a Friday when my class meets Monday and Wednesday, but hey, it's my favorite class and it doesn't hurt to only have to go to school the last two days of the week. Oh, the end is so close and I feel like I'm ready to have an asthma attack...like in 8th grade after one of my Cross Country meets. Ha. It wasn't really that funny, I'm a pathetic girl. I still can't believe negligent people almost killed my dog.

2:59 am - May 04, 2005



Dear Idiots of TruGreen ChemLawn,
When you called our residence repeatedly to try to get us to use your services last season, we declined. We got a dog, and that dog plays in the grass a lot. If you spray chemicals on the lawn made of the grass that he plays in, he might get sick. This morning, when you sprayed our lawn without our permission or knowledge, our dog played in the grass and even ate some of the grass. NO WONDER HE WAS LETHARGIC ALL DAY, HE CONSUMED YOUR TOXIC CHEMICALS. I don't want a lawsuit or anything that dramatic. I just want you to stop being idiots, because I know you probably don't care whose dog you killed as long as you were paid for spraying their lawn. I shake my little Asian fist at you!

Mess with me all you want, but touch anyone I care about and it's on!

(Sorry to everyone else for this, but I am furious.)

9:26 pm - May 03, 2005


to do 050305

To do:

  • Get approval for W300 research paper extension
  • Finish W300 research paper
  • Finish Film final
  • Mail out resumes
  • Finish short paper for Film
  • Finish long paper for Film
  • Study for French Literature
  • Study for Statistics
  • Mom's Mother's Day gift
  • Mom's Birthday gift

11:35 am - May 03, 2005



I almost forgot about how much I once loved Hamtaro and would watch it all the time... I wonder what happened.

1:20 am - May 03, 2005


becker is on too!

Phew! I just finished revising my resume and cover letter for a few jobs and sent them off to places that would accept e-mail applications. I hope that I will receive at least one phone call for all of my hard work. I plan to continue my job search on foot tomorrow (or later today, I guess). Here are my prospective positions:

  • Internet Administrator <-- I would get to move semi trucks around! Haha!
  • Part time Veterinary Receptionist
  • French Account Manager
  • 2nd shift Clerk
  • Secretary/Clerical
I'm pretty excited about all of it, but I am trying really hard to continue concentrating on my schoolwork and studying for finals. I am not so hopeless anymore and it feels pretty darn good.

1:00 am - May 03, 2005


sitting waiting wishing

I think it's snowing outside, but it looks more like petals falling from a very tall cherry blossom tree. ...and just like that it's over. I have less than four hours to write three papers, one including my final for International Film class. Things are calming down for now and I am going to take advantage of this before they go all out of whack again. Summer plans are already starting and they sound so good.

1:01 pm - May 02, 2005


notes to self

Note to self:
You like guava.
Take more pictures.
Make sure the dog hasn't run away.
Give the dog a bath.
Don't forget about the fish.
Fill out the job applications.
Cook more.

2:57 pm - May 01, 2005


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