hanaban's Diaryland Diary


nothing special

One of these days, I'll remember to pack my camera along with me wherever I go, and instead of gibberish in words, you can see gibberish in pictures. How 'bout that?

9:22 pm - September 26, 2004


my number two

Ira, squinting from the afternoon sun

After a seemingly never-ending weekend, I got my Ira from the shelter. He's such a ham, always kissing everyone and all sorts of such hammy things. He likes lying around where the sunlight shines through (because it's warm) and loves Joe because Joe feeds him lots of yummy food. He can be a big baby, but that's just because everybody here spoils him like he is a real baby. Must get back to reading Flaubert now. It's actually rather interesting. How have you been?

10:18 pm - September 22, 2004


Miraculously, Ira was quickly reincarnated as a wild horse on the far off planet called Nearly. on Nearly, wild horses hold the majority in the senate and Ira has discovered pudding. His favorite is the kind without raisins.

and this thus begins my most elated post about mom's reversed decision about me having a dog: Wednesday night, she called from Virginia and asked strange questions about dog preferences to me. I, of course, told her that it didn't matter too much as long as I could have a dog. She then continued, unusually, to tell me that she'd be alright with me having a dog, so long as it fit under her rules and regulations (and these were pretty strict). But I managed. I started my search, more excited than you can imagine (or maybe you can, if you've seen me get so silly) to search for a dog to take home. After a while, I found a Jack Russell Terrier mix at the animal shelter several minutes away from home and told mom about it. She, of course, was excited, because it's her favorite breed of dog. On Friday, I went to see about the adoption at the shelter, but only to find that "Mister" (his name) was no longer available. On the way in to see the dogs, however, I saw a tiny little thing we call a Chihuahua and observed it several times as I passed through. After looking at a balding poodle, a yapping but cute scrappy little Terrier mix, and a Pekingese that made me think of Sarah and what she said one of my friends looked like, I asked my very friendly counselor to see the little Chihuahua. He came in the Interaction Room and stayed on my lap for pretty much the whole time. He'd give me kisses and not bark and be so gentle that you couldn't help but want to take him home. That's the short version of the story, even though the short version is more lengthy than other short versions of long stories... but my, oh, my... I'm getting a dog on Monday! I hope and hope so much that everything goes well and I can take him home after his getting fixed and going through so many tests. I've already looked at many super cool collars and leashes and tiny little sweaters for him... ah! It's so unbearable, having to wait so long! But it's definately worth it. Oh, and I am pretty set on naming him "Ira", after the lovely song by Of Montreal. You'll see more pictures than you can stomach pretty soon... :)

2:56 pm - September 18, 2004


dot dot dot

Today, in an attempt to wake up, I chose the Coke instead of the Pink Lemonade from the fountain. I don't think it worked soon enough, although I was wired at work. Mint chocolate chip cookies are yummy. My shoes were pretty comfortable today. My desk arrived, to the day, as promised, and is heavier than any desk of mine should be. I guess it's good that it is able to push me around instead of vice-versa. I'm supposed to be reading French and studying for Philosophy of Art right now, but I feel like being a fool and grinning and prancing around... Tears have been welling up in my eyes, but I've found the power to force them away. I'm counting the days until mom gets home. Is Autocad 2004 still obtainable for less than two arms and one and one half of a leg? I have a friend who gets to see castles and walk through talking forests and she is cute as a button. As a button, I tell you. Yesterday, I ate my lunch in a muggy car and watched the weeping willows sway as my back began to soak in sweat. Do people ever get sad when flowers or trees die as they do when creatures die? There's a song, I think by John Mayer, that mentions something along the lines of: "Wish you were here. You should have seen that sunset," and I felt that way earlier today when Emily mentioned and I looked out the front of the store's window. There was a perfect gradation of violet to orange or yellow and it was something one would try to create but rarely be able to. I enjoyed my today.

10:10 pm - September 08, 2004



Il y a quelque jours que j'ai d�cid� � acheter une nouvelle orchid�e pour maman. La vieille orchid�e �tait morte, peut �tre � cause de la tristesse de maman. J'�tais soucieuse que maman la verra et pensera de p�p�re, et apr�s elle criera et deviendra triste, donc j'ai achet� une plus grande et plus belle orchid�e avec l'espoir qu'elle l'aimera et deviendra encore heureuse. J'essaie. Au cours de cet jour, l'orchid�e commencait de fleurir. Elle me manque, maman. Elle reviendra bient�t et je suis si heureuse de cela.

9:19 pm - September 06, 2004


straight up


  • The desk I haven't told you about but have been trying to get from Staples was finally in stock online, and I got it ordered for me, due to arrive this Wednesday!
  • I got my hair cut. I decided to be daring and thus my hair is quite short this time.
  • Holly and I went window shopping. I found a bright green peacoat (it looks better at the store) that I really liked and she fell in love with a purse. We finally arrived at the Salvation Army and had a blast there, playing with gadgets, looking at cheesy prom dresses with big, puffy sleeves (like Deb's from Napoleon Dynamite), finding cool cassette tapes and of course, looking through baby clothes for her nephew. Who needs a mall when you've got such a cool place like that?
  • We all went go-kart racing, where Joe won the award for being the fastest, I won the award for being the slowest, and everyone (I think) but me had a problem with slow or poor drivers in front of them. I had a great time, driving with my foot pretty much all the way down on the green circle pedal, letting my hair blow in the wind, and grinning for no apparent reason.
  • Afterwards, we went stopped at Taco Bell and reminisced a little about the details we don't usually discuss when we talk about our trip to France about three years ago.
  • I don't think Paul ever watches a television program in its entirety, because he switched channels every two seconds. And this is not an exaggeration.
  • My grandfather passed away, but I'd rather not speak of it.

11:11 am - September 05, 2004


good things

talking to my gramma, because she's so darn cute. when i asked her how the clothes and shoes mom bought her fit, she excitedly told me that everything fit perfectly and she really liked it all very much. she said they don't have "sizes for little people here (australia), only for big people, and i can't fit into those sizes."

mom having a good time, because she's been so worried about grampa, and she's finally getting out to do things, rather than staying up all night and day.

my relatives' cute little australian accents, i'd phone just to hear them.

my french professor realizing that she'd given us way too much homework for one day, and then apologizing like you wouldn't believe. there i thought i was a wuss or something, not being able to do four or so hours of french homework.

labor day = no class (and possibly no work) day, because i need this break already (not that things are really that bad, but it's just nice anyway).

free coupons for go-carts, which reminds me that i need to talk to everyone else about possibly going to the tracks this weekend.

time to relax, because it's most precious right now.

cookies, because we get "cookie breaks" at work.

scarves, because they are my favorite right now.

the bits of time i get to spend with joe, because he seems to make anything better.

10:30 am - September 02, 2004


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