hanaban's Diaryland Diary


sleeping to dream about you

i'm so tired

4:13 pm - August 31, 2004


so we ran in flip flops and loosely-tied shoes

Last night, after viewing the charming Garden State, we (Joe, Paul, and I) headed out the usual theatre exit, but this time, to find a large crowd, all gazing towards a pretty heavy thunderstorm outside. There was a crowd inside and a crowd outside, and the crowds began to build up as more movies let out and more people were apprehensive about going a very long way out to their cars. After joining them for a little while, we decided on making a mad dash for it out to Joe's car. The last time I was in rain this hard, I was at soccer practice, and it poured so badly that I couldn't see. I could barely see when I was running, and when Paul in front of me disappeared, I thought I'd be lost, but I somehow managed to follow the sound of the car door shutting and got there safely. We were soaked. It was cold. But I least we weren't complete sissies. Well, I am still a sissy, but I wasn't at that moment. Others would beg to differ again, so I'll just leave it up to your judgment.

11:35 am - August 29, 2004


sky-diving school

this is the first week of my third year of college and i have learned from the walk i took at the building to this building that it is all about sky-diving and all of the similar sorts of fun. as i walked across the paved section of grass that made the commute shorter, i heard a loud and constant noise: a contraption in which one wears a red suit, helmet, and are blown up in the air in a contained space (with safety nets all around, of course) with people all around you, tugging on certain parts of your red pseudo sky-diving suit that seemed to been built for that sole purpose (and maybe a touch of "style") to hold you down. not only was that bizarre, but i can imagine how distracting it could be for students and staff just a few feet away, having lessons or eating lunch, hearing what sounds like an airplane or helicopter touching ground for however long the event will last. this is what we go to school for, to sky-dive in a device that looks like a modern rendition of a child's moonwalk. i can't wait to learn more.

in other news, classes have been a bit intense, but it is only expected with higher levels and professors who believe that you will only learn if you only do a lot of work. difficulty at a high level is absolutely necessary, also. i'm not grossly detesting anything yet. there has been a lot of reading and listening to french that comes by too quickly to grab up and understand before it goes. i understood things better today, though.

there is a girl who confessed she hadn't her wits with her in class because her mind had been on shopping all day.

there are five people, including myself, in french literature II.

300-level french homework takes a really long time to complete. and that's only one page.

mom got to australia just fine yesterday morning over there, with the exception of her missing suitcase, which was found and should've been delievered to her by now. when asked the status of my ailing grandfather, mom seemed to have learned the word "ill" from someone, because she kept repeating that "he's very ill, mi, he's so ill," in one of her very sad and hopeless voices. she told me that they thought he'd passed the night before, but believed he held on because he wanted to wait for their (my mom, aunt, uncle, and older cousin) arrival. it's sad when hallmark movie moments start to become reality like that. i'll probably act funny if anything really bad happens, not knowing how to deal and not being able to deal until everybody else is done dealing.

3:17 pm - August 26, 2004


so long, summer

Just as Tuesday had been Joe's day of accomplishment, yesterday was mine. I shipped the package I was supposed to ship on Monday and I went over to the school store to purchase my brand new textbooks. Curse my professors for not being happy with using the older editions... I was apprehensive about what to wear when I headed over there, because I had to work and I'd planned on wearing my new shirt and cardigan, and with the store where I work being a huge threat to the monopoly of school stores, I thought they would try to harm me in some way not physical, somehow. There I had a dilemma, because I had to go back home after errands and take my brother to his soccer practice, and I could just wear normal clothes and then just change when I got home, but no. I decided to be the sissy little "rebel" that I am not and wear my logo around their store. I admit, I was a little scared that they'd all corner me and make me confess that I was soliciting their potential customers into going over to our store to buy books for much less or something, but I wasn't. I just needed some books for myself. Their own staff sends people over to us anyway. Oh, and the best part is that I got for free a little "sampler package" of some sorts with an advertisement of the upcoming Spongebob Squarepants movie on the outside and the following on the inside: a package of tampons, brochures for different methods of birth control, and a sample of what "the patch" looks and feels like. There was more, but I thought those were the most bizarre. That was the package "for her"; I wonder what "he" got...

By the end of this week, I hope to be able to hold a Napoleon Dynamite tots and corndogs night, especially for Holly. You can claim to love the movie, but she will throw an orange at you until you wimper and admit that she does more. I hope we'll be watching "classic" movies that I've never seen, being the Asian who has few more than physical characteristics of being Asian but yet not enough American because I never got to go to the movies until I was in the fifth grade or so. My mom has never even been near a theater the whole thirteen or fourteen years we've been here. We've just got to enjoy the rest of our vacation until the dreaded days of school arrive.

10:55 am - August 19, 2004


nobody plastic wraps a wedding gift like i do

the first dance (i think)

phoebe, who likes to blow out candles and take pictures of everything

Before yesterday, I'd never been to a wedding where I really knew the bride or groom very well, so they weren't as significant. I learned that, if left sitting for an extended amount of time without any food besides the mints provided as party favors, Asian people get cranky. I say "Asian" because I didn't hear any other cranky people where I was sitting. After all, a wedding is about much more than pretty centerpieces and prime rib dinners. And cakes with ten or more tiers. And the requirement to meet each guest's ridiculous demands. I thought the ceremony was really nice. They got married at a wedding chapel, outside, in a gazebo (oh, how I love gazebos!), overlooking a pond and a small waterfall. I liked how simple it all was... there was one maid of honor and one best man and it was all about the two of them and how much they care about each other. Weddings like that are so nice.

11:01 pm - August 16, 2004


yay, crochet!

Going to Holly's candle party helped me realize that "hugging" your candles makes them last longer, I don't care that my candles "smoke", and I like Yankee Candle (the company hosting the party was Partylite). So, of course, I decided to see how much less expensive Yankee Candle products were compared to the crazy prizes from the other place... and I found Chai Tea candles! It's just exciting to think of being able to have the smell of my favorite drink around all the time... heh. It's the little things, right? I've also finished my scarf and am trying to make another one, with a different stitch. Once school starts, I'll probably have more interesting stories to tell you about what I overhear in the language lab.

My very good friend is getting married on Sunday and I agreed to help set up the decorations for the tables in the reception. It's nice to be able to do something for him. I haven't even met his fianc�e, but I'm pretty sure she's more than wonderful. I can't wait.

11:28 pm - August 11, 2004


solutions for boredom

You'd think that I haven't posted lately because I've been busy, but it's rather that I haven't had anything to do and thus, nothing to post about -- until now! Whilst sifting through my collection of crafty links, I stumbled upon some knitting projects and decided it was too hard, so I settled on crochet. I found some hooks and yarn left over from mine and mom's attempts years ago, and I started from lessons on someone's website. Oh, yeah, that wasn't the reason... I wanted to make a scarf. (I have a horrible short-term memory.) So, I am trying to make a scarf with the simple pattern that I know, because I can't understand the two or three characters excessively used in pattern instructions. Maybe soon, but now, I'm winging it. I also took a quiz to see what kind of yarn I am:

You are dishcloth cotton.
You are Dishcloth Cotton. You are a very hard worker, most at home when
you're at home. You are thrifty and seemingly
born to clean. You are considered to be a Plain
Jane, but you are too practical to notice.

What kind of yarn are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

11:51 am - August 06, 2004


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