hanaban's Diaryland Diary


j to the m to the iz-iz-izzle

there aren't many places to eat in indianapolis, but after walking one way, we returned to find out that a subway was just the opposite way. kinda like our first night in paris, when we went around several blocks to look for bottled water just to find that everything was closed (they close very early over there) and that there was a bar that sold bottled water across the walk from our hotel. all good fun, though.

now let's talk about the show. you should've been there. makana was an extraordinaire with his slack key techniques (he played with his arm and leg -- in leather pants) and we thought that was cool... until the seemingly reserved raul midon busted out his one-man band with just his guitar. there was percussion/drums, bass, and he was playing the trumpet (or rather, made very nice trumpet-like sounds) with his mouth! holy cow, this guy was incredible! ...and he's blind! oh, the talent! we had a grand ol' time. there was barely a break between sets, which was really cool because we didn't have to wait long to listen to more good stuff. it was all really laid-back and the dear jason mraz was playing barefoot. he's so goofy and he can sing like no other. and the whole opera ditty, too. you just have to go to one of his shows. toca wasn't there, but jenny lowe was really awesome. it was one of those experiences that make you smitten time and time again.

11:31 am - June 06, 2004


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