hanaban's Diaryland Diary


i wa-wa-wa-wa-wo-onder

I've probably told this story before, but I'm thinking about it again, or rather, it just crossed my mind for no reason. In eighth grade, I had a best friend for about three months. I still don't know to this day whether or not she told me the truth, but the lies she must've told were incredible. She was up here for I don't remember which reasons but her parents split up and she, her mom, and her younger sister were living in a motel off Coldwater or Washington Ctr. She was the coolest person ever because she was just like me. Stuff like that was so desired back then. She liked Hanson and her favorite color was green and she was extremely funny. We became friends and then friends with new friends and went shopping for Hanson stuff together and hung out and had a grand ol' time. She liked Pound Puppies and Crystal Method and her dad beat her mom and she was afraid that he would find them somehow. One day, she told me she had to move back, but her mom found a new boyfriend so they could live with him. Her mom had a lot of boyfriends and she told me she'd have to hear them often when they would use that bed that pulls out of the wall. On her last night here, she asked if I wanted to spend the night, and I asked then begged my parents, but they were uncooperative. We both cried a lot and promised to keep in touch. After several exchanges of letters and photos and Beanie Babies (she would just send them in a regular envelope with regular postage and they'd still get here), oh and phone calls, we stopped talking. It was because she called our other close friend and told her she'd been doing drugs (and back then it was extremely bad to us, sheltered and taught how bad they were) and then the friend called me so that my phone would be busy when the Florida friend called because we were so mad at her. That was the last of it, and of course, I really regret it now. I shouldn't beat myself up too much and I'll just be nicer this time around, but I still wonder about her. She was my one best friend who truly cared and didn't ditch me for someone cooler and yet I was mean to her. Well, yeah, do you ever wonder about the coolest people you've known and where they are right now?

9:43 am - June 05, 2004


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