hanaban's Diaryland Diary


just a crack in the glass

You never think about how much someone really is until you're watching them while they're not noticing. Be careful not to take for granted anything, or anyone. It's easy to get into the groove of things and forget, but don't. What you give me I'll owe and give you back tenfold, or even more. I try to be more grateful than possible. Today, my fish tank cracked and I freaked out. After hours of my incompetency and his ability to make anything work, I now have a pretty pretty fish tank with more room for my fishies to swim in and more rocks/plants/toys and of course, the room to have more fish! I have my dear boyfriend to thank for all of this. If it wasn't for him, I'd still be staring at a leaking fish tank with the power cord still plugged in.

We met with Holly and Paul at the park to play some tennis, and after many unsuccessful attempts, I finally got the ball over the net where it was supposed to go. I had funny stances and unbeknownst to me for a while made my partner laugh while he was trying to serve the ball. Oh, and Jason Mraz is on Saturday! What did you do today? (P.S. -h-, I'll send you something soon. Thanks so much for the good things list you sent me, I loved how you put it together and it's a shame on me to wait so long to send something back. Soon, though, I will send you something worthwhile.)

12:24 am - June 04, 2004


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