hanaban's Diaryland Diary


randomness in a very long list


  1. I like to make my bed so that I have a flat surface to throw things on it
  2. I'm a sucker for a lot of things
  3. I am highly predictable, maybe only by Joe
  4. I contradict myself
  5. I am a hypocrite
  6. I love surprising people
  7. I carry my camera everywhere I go
  8. My heart skips beats very often
  9. I am weak
  10. I am not a very forgiving person
  11. I have a very good long-term memory but a very shoddy short-term memory
  12. Everything takes time with me, I am very slow with adapting to things
  13. I really need a new job, a real one
  14. I like to look when I go shopping rather than buy
  15. I make terrible decisions when I go with my gut instincts
  16. Messing with nature's course really bothers me
  17. I love dogs
  18. I pine for very silly things
  19. The one person I truly hate is my father
  20. I research the crap out of a lot of things before I buy them
  21. I think I'm addicted to the Internet
  22. I love Kung Pao Vegetable
  23. I am technically a middle child
  24. I am always better when I am with Joe
  25. I love Meijer, Marsh and Ikea
  26. Jack Johnson and John Mayer are not comparable to each other
  27. I love shoes, especially red ones
  28. Chai is my favorite drink
  29. I believe Kool Aid keeps me from being sick
  30. My Mom has a germ phobia
  31. I don't like being alone
  32. I can be very grumpy/grouchy/cranky/mean
  33. I am in pretty bad shape
  34. I'm less Asian than Joe is, and he's not even Asian
  35. I love home-cooked meals and mashed potatoes
  36. I often forget that I am lactose intolerant and eat dairy, then get pretty sick afterward
  37. I find new things to do to keep me busy and out of other people's hair
  38. I watch abc family excessively
  39. I really like Full House
  40. I reminisce about a lot of things
  41. Sillyness keeps me going
  42. I often want to give up on things
  43. I'm not good at much
  44. I have a back that aches all the time
  45. I want to take tap dancing classes again someday
  46. I also want to see Riverdance or Lord of the Dance
  47. I like things just right, as in balanced, but not "perfect"
  48. I observe a lot
  49. I'm always up in the clouds thinking or worrying about one thing or another
  50. I completely forgot my PIN number one night
  51. I have very strong feelings against some things
  52. My Mom may be crazy sometimes, but I love her very much
  53. Plastic surgery for anything other than reconstruction really bothers me
  54. I wash my hands a lot
  55. I can be very lazy
  56. I value true friendship
  57. My phone's talk time is a maximum of 8 minutes
  58. I have never colored my hair
  59. I am scared of a lot of things now, but I wasn't so much before

12:45 am - June 01, 2005


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