hanaban's Diaryland Diary


a good scary movie


I like scary movies. I usually want a scary movie to actually scare the crap out of me instead of just make me jump with sudden sounds and images that flash... and then those sounds and images point to a rather non-scary chair or object that the character in the movie thought would be scary. That said, The Amityville Horror scared the crap out of me. I was sitting with my feet firmly planted to the ground so I wouldn't jump from those sudden scary moments. Ugh, the images were so...scary. It was a successful scary movie for me. They meant it when they made a sudden scary sound, they followed it with real scary stuff, which is both uncool and then cool because I got scared. Phew. Anyway, since they're showing Star Wars at midnight, people were camped out when we got to the theatre at six. I thought those people only live in New York or something ... I really hope Ryan didn't go and egg them. Some people brought a pretty big TV along to watch, too. There were, of course, people there dressed up in Star Wars gear. I hope you enjoy the pictures, click on them for a larger view.

10:55 pm - May 18, 2005


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