hanaban's Diaryland Diary


a lot of random things. and a smelly diaper.

I worked alone today. It got pretty busy at times when people decided to all come in or call at once, but I got through it without anyone losing their patience with me. There was a lady who came in with her kids and she didn't really watch them carefully. She kept asking one of them if he was watching the other, but then I saw that there was a total of three boys. They were quite snoopy, opening doors and going into the back areas of the store. I was quite busy trying to answer the lady's questions but I also tried to pay attention to her kids. As we were on our way up to the register so I could ring her up, I heard some papers shuffling near the boss's office, so I looked over and there was a little kid there separating a pile of papers, leaving them to fly every which way. This kid was still in diapers. I thought of them to be no more than invoices, but then the lady finally came over and tried to put them together, apologizing and mentioning something about checks. I went over and saw that they were important documents and checks that were on my boss's desk... and the kid came back and did some more damage before he left. I smelled something like a fart this whole time and it grew stronger as I was trying to convince the kid to give me the papers -- he actually helped me by picking all of them up. Finally, I got things together and rang the lady up... but she was leaving and called for her older son, he didn't come, so she left him in the store. Moms are only allowed to say that in order to scare the kids into leaving. I seriously had to spray the area covered by the kid because it smelled so horrible and I didn't want other people to come in thinking I'd just made the world's most smelly fart...ever.

After that, I went to Pizza Hut to finally have Marinara with Casey. We'd planned it two or three years ago but never got around to it. The Internet brought us together and helped us finalize our plans -- thank you. We got to catch up on so much and laugh a lot, and that's always a good thing. She hasn't been to Aaj or Arnold's...(gasp!) I told her she should come next time we go, but that might take a few years to work.

I am watching "Brainman" on the Discovery Channel and it's pretty fascinating. The only thing I can say about my intelligence is something that does not pertain to it: I can think of the most random things and they just pop out one by one at any given time, beat that Mr. I can calculate numbers to about 100 decimal points. I think that guy is my new hero, though. Aw, and I feel bad for the feral kids who were thrown out or beaten by their parents when they were little who act like dogs because they were raised by them. Boo.

12:20 am - May 13, 2005


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