hanaban's Diaryland Diary


tout est fini!

I listen to music on shuffle or random mode because I like surprises. Certain media players disappointment by having an order to their randomness; they pre-shuffle my music, they don't shuffle it song after song. My newly download RealPlayer, however, shuffles like it should and spits out the best songs I haven't listened to in a very long time. Do you know how nostalgic I am/can get? I do remember pretty much everything. Someone needs to, right? .. and why not me?

It was storming when I woke up and I think it's just let up now. My very cool and understanding French prof. gave me an extension until noon today to get the rest of my revisions in and I got them in before eleven. I am finished. There's just something about the feeling of relief that makes you feel better than even getting new shoes. Whoops, did I really say that? My excuse for everything is that, through it all, I am a girl and I will have silly obsessions with many things like shoes and skirts that I don't need. It's okay, all things pass. Geez, it feels nice to not really have much to do... I guess that is until I look at the to-do list I've made so that I don't get like this and actually forget that I have plenty to keep me busy. Don't look through my window, I might be dancing around like a fool today. That, or sleeping. Anyway, hope your finals went well (if you had any) and you have a splendiferous time this summer.

11:04 am - May 07, 2004


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