hanaban's Diaryland Diary


i said i want my eyes open like that runaway bride

Mom's back from visiting Grandma and the rest of the family in Australia. She gave me back my camera, but the battery's shot and she forgot to include the charger in the bag, so no photos for me!

The leaves are so colorful but they've already turned. I wish I could've captured the masses of them falling gracefully as the wind blew by this morning. I came back from the office and noticed that our entire roof is filled with leaves. I took a picture. We have an extraordinarily long sidewalk up to our house, so I get a lot of time to think about things until I get to my destination.

I wrote too little for my essay question of the Medieval French midterm today. It was worth 60 points and I could only squeeze out a mere two pages. I think I covered the points well, so maybe I can get off with that. I should've started with the essay rather than mess with the pointless 20-point sections. Woe is me.

Nancy's already talking about the play, since we're starting work on it this upcoming Monday. I do not have a speaking role along with two others, so we are in charge of publicity and the making of the program. I actually prefer this.

I wish I could feel awake more often. Most days, I'm just walking around like a zombie while trying to keep my eyes open. I can't drink caffeine because I have to wake up from 5-5:30am to get ready for work. It's terrible.

I got to see Em and actually talk to her for a few minutes after my exam today. It was great! It's amazing how much of a conversation we can cram into mere minutes. Discussed issues: exams, knitting, work, etc.

I like refreshing things like cutting my too-long nails and washing my face with cold water.

I think I've only had to make dinner once this week.

Paul and I are going to see Science of Sleep this weekend.

10:27 pm - October 25, 2006


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